Sunday, July 25, 2010

Brie's Senior Photo Shoot!

Ms. Brie definitely made my job easy Saturday morning when we met to shoot her Senior Photos! She was ready with about 5 outfit changes and poses that would make any model proud!  Brie also wanted her pups in a few shots and I gladly obliged. The photos started out at a friends beautiful back-yard then we moved to "Hampstead" on Taylor Road in Montgomery to finish the day. A special thanks to Mom Renay for assisting as "Boom operator" holding my flash and soft box for many of these great shots.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Senior Saturday!

School is about to start back for the class of 2011, so now is the time to call and schedule your Senior Photos like Morgan did! We had a blast shooting around Montgomery and got some fantastic memories for Morgan and her family and friends. Check out a few from Saturday evening.